Sir Anthony Seldon
Anthony is Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham and a contemporary historian, commentator and political author, known in part for his biographies of John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and David Cameron.
A message from our Patron Sir Anthony Seldon
"Over the past 12 years Their Future Today (TFT), a charity operating in Sri Lanka of which I am proud to be patron, has dedicated itself to housing and educating children abandoned through civil war and natural disasters, to reuniting children with their poverty-stricken parents and to preventing abandonment via family support initiatives. Each year TFT improves the lives of more than 2000 children and it has become one of the country's most trusted and respected charitable organisations.
Recognising that the best place for a child to grow up is in a family not an orphanage TFT is now working with the Sri Lankan government to establish the country's first official foster care scheme. The programme will ensure that children who find themselves alone are cared for in what is widely agreed to be the most positive and nurturing environment. This is a huge step towards minimising the agony experienced whilst TFT finds ways to reunite children with their families or identify permanent homes. It is important work that I am delighted to support. Please join me in helping TFT to keep transforming the lives of Sri Lankan children for the better."

Richard Farleigh
Best known as an ex "Dragon" on Dragon's Den, Richard Farleigh is a hugely successful entrepreneur who has been supporting TFT since 2018. Removed from the care of his parents as a child, he was split from his siblings and has been an enthusiastic supporter of our Alternative family care and Bringing and Keeping Families Together campaigns ever since.

Martin Bugeja
Having been involved in arranging tours and holidays to Sri Lanka for many years, I was only too pleased to fund the establishment of the Their Futures Today International Pre School in 2015.
Since then, Mercury Holidays has continued to fully support the truly inspirational work that Lynn and her team do for the underprivileged children of Sri Lanka and we hope to help her continue to carry this on for many more years to come.

Guy Holloway
MA (Cantab) NPQH, FRSA
Guy’s own parents were foster parents and for many years he was a volunteer with Save the Children UK, working with disadvantaged children. Guy has seen first-hand the work of Their Future Today in Sri Lanka and is proud to have supported TFT since its inception back in 2005. Guy is a co-founder of the independent school Hampton Court House (and was headmaster 2011-2021). Today Guy is a Barcelona-based writer and arts commentator; he runs his own educational consultancy and has a particular focus on child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.

Dr Zimar Sivardeen
Elected President of the British Sri Lankan Association since its foundation, Zimar has enhanced and strengthened trade and diplomatic links between the two countries. Through his leadership he has facilitated charitable initiatives making enormous impact on the lives of the British, British Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan citizens at large.

Lady Eliana Houstoun-Boswall
ISIT (Paris)
Eliana is the principal founder of Hampton Court House and the former founder and Headmistress of the Harrodian. Since Their Future Today's inception, Eliana has helped us host our events at her school Hampton Court House and still continues to support that 14 years later.

David Nash MCC
David Nash MCC, Founder of D&G group has recognised TFT as one of D&G's charities for 2019 and has offered event and marketing support. He is a strong advocate for TFT as he visited Ruhunu in 2009 and again in 2019, and couldn’t believe the transformation he witnessed was possible. David has been an important part of the growth of TFT and has supported us since the start and helped with many amazing prizes for our events.

Clive Stacey
Managing director and Co-Founder of Discover the World . Clive has supported Their Future Today for many years, providing once in a lifetime experiences at our fundraising auctions.

Nic Careem
In 2000 Nic Careem founded the social campaigns organisation,The Blue Sky Network. The aim was to create a network of like-minded people who wanted to use their skills and connections to help improve the world.The Network has well-known supporters from all walks of life - from politics,business, show business, sport, media and community.Blue Sky is a unique organisation with a track record for creating high profile campaigns and events - including the global tribute to Nelson Mandela and co-creating and organising signing of the Anne Frank Declaration by world leaders including Nelson Mandela and Kofi Annan.